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░ ·<═══╣ §eR@HnÏTý ╠═══>· ░


Ethical Hacker | Cybersecurity Enthusiast | Programmer

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About Me

Hi, I'm an ethical hacker with a passion for cybersecurity. I specialize in penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and digital forensics.

Current student at D and A College, studying a HNC in Cyber security, And leading on to a BSc (hons) in Ethical Hacking at Abertay.

I have completed many CTF's and created my own scripts for assisting in hacking and cyber.

Below is a few links to my favorite Linux Distributions, as well as a few simple scripts I have made through learning Python, and a gallery for some useful knowledge too.

Thank you for having a look, my email link is at the bottom of the page.


Project Downloads

Collection of some of my work, more to be added in time.

OS Links



Feel free to reach out via email.

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